Dr Anuja Garg, a Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Obesity medicine, closely monitors our Weight Loss program. We have many patients who have lost 20-40 pounds in a span of few months and have been able to keep…

Benefits of Physical Activity : Improve body composition Prevent muscle loss during weight loss Increased weight loss Improved weight loss maintenance Improve adipocyte function Mitochondrial biogenesis- double oxidative phosphorylation Browning/ beiging of adipose tissue Improved insulin sensitivity Improved…

All antiobesity medications in US are FDA approved for ADULTS who meet the criteria, Patients who failed to benefit adequately from lifestyle modifications and physical activity alone and have health problems because of their weight and BMI > 30…

The history, physical examination, and initial testing of the patient affected by obesity has unique aspects that enables us to: Create a supportive environment free of stigma or bias Understand an individual’s unique weight history Create a comprehensive assessment…

Evaluation and Management of Obesity related complications. This includes Monitoring of important lab parameters Assessment and evaluation of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Asessment and treatment of diabetes , prediabetes with careful consideration in using the most effective weight loss promoting…

American Council on Exercise Classification: Percent body fat* *Based on “expert opinion” cut-off points not scientifically validated

Obesity is a chronic multisystemic disease modulated by neural and hormonal factors beyond one’s personal control Weight is controlled via a multi-level complex system involving: 1) Gut hormones 2) Adipose tissue hormones These hormones input into the brain to…

Taking a Diet History 24-hour dietary recall –retrospective at office visit Trained interviewer records all global dietary intake, timing, spacing of food for a given a 24-hr period Food record – completed before appointment All intake prospectively recorded for…

Isocaloric energy-restricted meal replacements for 2 meals / day provide greater weight loss than diets composed of conventional foods. Similarly, in weight-loss maintenance, but with 1 meal replacement / day Can be used with any dietary approach Partial MR…

Intermittent Fasting What is it? Cycles between periods of fasting and unrestricted eating Alternate-day fasting: alternate eating days and fasting days. On fasting days, have one meal that provides ~25% of daily caloric needs Whole-day fasting: 1-2 days per…