
What is microneedling?

Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a cosmetic procedure involving tiny, sterile needles to create micro-injuries in the skin. These micro-injuries stimulate the body’s natural healing response, increasing collagen and elastin production. This can result in improved skin texture, firmness and a reduction in the appearance of scars, wrinkles, and other skin imperfections.


Do you have microneedling before and after results?


Microneedling face before and after

Microneedling PRP for hair RestorationMicroneedling Face just after microneedling

What machine does the doctor use for microneedling?

We use the FDA-approved Rejuvapen NXT is designed to target peri-orbital wrinkles. This efficient procedure is swift, virtually painless, and entails minimal downtime. Thanks to its cutting-edge technology, the Rejuvapen NXT® offers impressive outcomes and financial benefits.

What are the common areas to treat with microneedling?

  1. Face: This procedure is frequently used on the face to address issues such as fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, large pores, and uneven skin tone.
  2. Neck: It can help improve the texture and tone of the skin on the neck.
  3. Décolletage (Chest): This area is often treated to reduce sun damage, fine lines, and wrinkles.
  4. Hands: This treatment can rejuvenate the skin on the hands, reducing the appearance of age spots and fine lines.
  5. Stretch marks on the stomach, hands, and legs: This can be an effective treatment for reducing the appearance of stretch marks. Stretch marks, also known as striae, are scars that form when the skin stretches or shrinks rapidly, causing the collagen and elastin fibers in the skin to break. This treatment works by creating controlled micro-injuries in the skin, stimulating the body’s natural healing process, and promoting collagen and elastin production. This, in turn, can improve the texture and appearance of stretch marks.


What are the common conditions treated with microneedling?

  1. Acne Scars: This treatment can help improve the appearance of acne scars by promoting collagen production and smoothing out the skin.
  2. Wrinkles and Fine Lines: It can effectively reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, particularly those caused by aging.
  3. Hyperpigmentation: This treatment can help even out skin tone and reduce the appearance of dark spots and hyperpigmentation.
  4. Uneven Skin Texture: It can address rough or uneven skin texture issues, giving a smoother complexion.
  5. Stretch Marks: This treatment can improve the appearance of stretch marks by stimulating collagen production in the affected areas.
  6. Large Pores: It can help minimize the appearance of enlarged pores.

It’s worth noting that this procedure should be performed by a trained and licensed professional like Dr Anuja Garg. Depending on the specific concerns and goals of the individual, the procedure may be combined with topical serums or other treatments to enhance results. We recommend the use ZO skincare products during and post-treatment. As with any cosmetic procedure, it’s important to consult a qualified healthcare provider or dermatologist to determine if this treatment is suitable for your specific needs and skin type. They can also provide information about potential risks and side effects


How many microneedling treatments are needed to treat these conditions?

The number of treatments needed to treat specific skin conditions effectively can vary depending on several factors, including the severity, the individual’s skin type, and the body’s natural response to the treatment. As a general guideline:

  1. Acne Scars: A series of 3 to 6 treatments spaced about 4 to 6 weeks apart may be recommended for mild to moderate acne scars. More severe scarring may require additional sessions.
  2. Wrinkles and Fine Lines: Typically, a series of 3 to 6 treatments spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart is recommended. Maintenance treatments may be advised for long-term results.
  3. Hyperpigmentation: Improvement in hyperpigmentation can often be seen after 3 to 6 treatments spaced about 4 to 6 weeks apart. Some individuals may require ongoing maintenance.
  4. Uneven Skin Texture: Visible improvement in skin texture may be noticed after a series of 3 to 6 treatments spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart.
  5. Stretch Marks: Treating stretch marks can be more challenging, and results can vary. Generally, 3 to 6 treatments with 4 to 6 weeks between sessions may be recommended.
  6. Large Pores: A series of 3 to 6 treatments spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart can help reduce the appearance of large pores.

Remember that individual responses can vary; some people may see improvement after fewer treatments, while others may require more. It’s crucial to follow the guidance of a qualified healthcare provider or dermatologist who can assess your specific needs and monitor your progress throughout the treatment process. Additionally, maintenance sessions may be recommended after completing a series of treatments to help maintain the results achieved. Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatment planning.


Shall I consider microneedling with or without PRP?

Microneedling with PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) is a treatment that combines microneedling with the application of PRP, a concentrated solution of platelets derived from a patient’s own blood. This combination is believed to enhance the benefits of the treatment. Here’s a comparison between microneedling with and without PRP:

Microneedling without PRP

  1. Mechanism of Action: Microneedling alone creates micro-injuries in the skin to stimulate collagen production and rejuvenation.
  2. Benefits:
    • Improved skin texture and tone.
    • Reduced appearance of scars, wrinkles, and fine lines.
    • Decreased pore size.
    • Improved absorption of topical skincare products.
  3. Recovery Time: Mild redness and swelling are common after the procedure but typically subside within a day or two.
  4. Cost: Generally, this treatment without PRP tends to be less expensive than the combination treatment.

Microneedling with PRP

  1. Mechanism of Action:
    • Microneedling creates micro-injuries.
    • PRP, rich in growth factors, is applied to the skin. These growth factors stimulate collagen production further and promote faster healing.
  2. Benefits:
    • All the benefits of microneedling alone are potentially enhanced.
    • Accelerated healing and recovery.
    • Potential for increased collagen production due to the addition of growth factors.
  3. Recovery Time:
    • Similar to microneedling alone, some individuals may experience slightly faster healing due to the application of PRP.
  4. Cost:
    • Microneedling with PRP is generally more expensive than microneedling alone due to the additional cost of preparing and applying PRP.

Choosing Between the Two

  • Skin Goals and Concerns: Microneedling alone may suit individuals with mild to moderate skin concerns. Microneedling with PRP is often recommended for more pronounced issues or those seeking enhanced results.
  • Budget: Due to the added PRP component, microneedling with PRP tends to be more expensive. Consider your budget when making a decision.
  • Consultation with a Professional: Consulting with a qualified healthcare provider or dermatologist is crucial. They can assess your skin condition, discuss your goals, and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan.

Both microneedling with and without PRP can be effective treatments, but the choice depends on individual factors and desired outcomes. It’s important to consult with a qualified professional to determine which option is best for you.


How does PRP enhance the collagen production?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) contains a high concentration of platelets, tiny blood cells that play a crucial role in the body’s natural healing process. When applied to the skin during the treatment or other procedures, PRP can enhance collagen production through several mechanisms:

  1. Growth Factor Release:
    • Platelets contain a variety of growth factors, including platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and insulin-like growth factor (IGF). These growth factors play a key role in cell repair and regeneration.
  2. Stimulating Cell Proliferation:
    • Growth factors in PRP stimulate the proliferation of fibroblasts, which are cells responsible for producing collagen and other extracellular matrix components. This leads to an increase in collagen synthesis.
  3. Angiogenesis:
    • VEGF, one of the growth factors found in PRP, promotes the formation of new blood vessels. This improved blood supply can enhance the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the skin, supporting collagen production.
  4. Matrix Synthesis:
    • PRP stimulates the production of extracellular matrix components, which include collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. This contributes to the structural integrity and elasticity of the skin.
  5. Anti-Inflammatory Effects:
    • PRP also contains anti-inflammatory proteins. By reducing inflammation in the skin, PRP can create a more conducive environment for collagen production.
  6. Accelerated Healing:
    • The growth factors in PRP can expedite the healing process, allowing for faster regeneration of damaged tissue, including collagen fibers.

Overall, PRP acts as a natural booster for the body’s collagen production process. When applied in conjunction with microneedling or other treatments, it can lead to enhanced skin rejuvenation, improved texture, and a reduction in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and scars. It’s important to note that the effectiveness of PRP can vary based on individual factors, including the quality and concentration of the PRP and the technique used during application. Consulting with a qualified healthcare provider or dermatologist is crucial for achieving optimal results.


How does collagen help with skin tone?

Collagen is a natural structural protein in the skin and various connective tissues throughout the body. It is crucial in maintaining skin tone, texture, and elasticity. Here’s how collagen contributes to skin tone:
  1. Provides Structural Support:
    • Collagen fibers form a network in the skin’s dermis (the middle layer), providing structural support and integrity. This network helps maintain the skin’s firmness and prevents sagging.
  2. Maintains Skin Elasticity:
    • Collagen works in conjunction with elastin fibers to give the skin its elasticity. Elastin allows the skin to stretch and return to its original shape, while collagen provides the foundational structure.
  3. Improves Skin Texture:
    • Collagen helps maintain a smooth and even skin surface. The skin appears plump, soft, and supple when collagen levels are adequate.
  4. Reduces Wrinkles and Fine Lines:
    • Adequate collagen levels help fill in the spaces between skin cells, minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  5. Enhances Hydration:
    • Collagen is a key component of the extracellular matrix, which retains water and helps keep the skin hydrated. This contributes to a healthy, glowing complexion.
  6. Aids in Wound Healing:
    • Collagen is involved in the wound-healing process. It provides a scaffold for new tissue growth and supports the formation of granulation tissue, which is crucial for effective healing.
  7. Improves Skin Resilience:
    • Collagen fibers add strength to the skin, making it more resistant to damage from external factors like UV rays, pollution, and other environmental stressors.

As we age, collagen production naturally decreases, leading to a loss of skin tone, elasticity, and firmness. This contributes to developing wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. External factors like sun exposure, smoking, and poor diet can also accelerate collagen degradation.

To support healthy collagen production and maintain skin tone, individuals can consider strategies such as a balanced diet rich in collagen-boosting nutrients (like vitamin C and amino acids), using topical skincare products containing collagen-boosting ingredients, and undergoing treatments like microneedling or laser therapy that stimulate collagen production. Consulting with a dermatologist or skincare professional can provide personalized recommendations based on individual skin needs.


What are the risks involved with microneedling?

Microneedling is generally considered a safe procedure by a trained and licensed professional. However, like any cosmetic treatment, there are potential risks and side effects to be aware of. These may include:

  1. Redness and Swelling: Mild to moderate redness and swelling are common after the procedure and usually subside within a day or two.
  2. Bruising: In some cases, bruising may occur, particularly in individuals with sensitive skin or those prone to bruising.
  3. Pain or Discomfort: The treatment involves tiny needles puncturing the skin, which can cause discomfort during the procedure. Topical numbing creams are often used to minimize pain.
  4. Skin Sensitivity: Individuals with sensitive skin may experience increased sensitivity after the treatment, which can persist for a short period.
  5. Infection: Although rare, there is a small risk of infection if proper sterilization procedures are not followed.
  6. Pigment Changes: This treatment can stimulate melanin production, potentially leading to temporary hyperpigmentation, especially in individuals with darker skin tones.
  7. Scarring: If the procedure is not performed correctly or if the skin is not adequately cared for after the treatment, there is a risk of scarring.
  8. Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may be allergic to the topical products or serums applied during or after the procedure.
  9. Acne Flare-Up: In rare cases, individuals with acne-prone skin may experience a temporary exacerbation of acne following the treatment.
  10. Herpes Simplex Virus Reactivation: In individuals with a history of oral or genital herpes, there is a small risk of reactivation following the treatment.
  11. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is when dark spots develop on the skin after inflammation or injury. It is more common in individuals with darker skin tones.

It’s important to note that the likelihood and severity of these risks can be minimized by seeking treatment from a qualified and experienced professional, ensuring proper equipment sterilization, and following post-treatment care instructions.

Before undergoing microneedling or any cosmetic procedure, you must have a thorough consultation with a licensed healthcare provider or dermatologist who can evaluate your suitability for the treatment and provide personalized advice based on your skin type and concerns.


How Microneedling PRP and PRP injections help with hair growth?

You can refer to our Hair restoration page for more information. Below is how PRP helps with hair growth.

  1. Stimulation of Hair Follicles:
    • The growth factors and other bioactive proteins present in PRP stimulate dormant hair follicles, encouraging them to enter an active growth phase.
  2. Improved Blood Flow:
    • PRP contains growth factors like vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) that promote the formation of new blood vessels. This enhances blood flow to the hair follicles, providing them with the nutrients and oxygen they need for healthy growth.
  3. Cell Proliferation and Differentiation:
    • PRP’s growth factors play a role in cell proliferation and differentiation, supporting the renewal and growth of hair follicle cells.
  4. Anti-Inflammatory Effects:
    • PRP contains anti-inflammatory proteins that can help reduce inflammation in the scalp, which is often associated with certain types of hair loss.
  5. Lengthening of Anagen Phase:
    • The anagen phase is the active growth phase of the hair follicle’s life cycle. PRP injections may help prolong this phase, leading to longer and thicker hair.

It’s important to note that while PRP can be an effective treatment for certain types of hair loss, its effectiveness can vary from person to person. Results may also depend on factors such as the underlying cause of the hair loss and the individual’s overall health.

Consulting with a qualified healthcare provider or dermatologist is essential to determine if PRP injections are suitable for treating your specific type of hair loss. They can provide personalized advice and treatment plans based on your unique circumstances.


What kinds of hair loss can be treated using PRP scalp injections and microneedling PRP?

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) treatments, including PRP scalp injections and microneedling with PRP, have shown promise in treating various types of hair loss. However, it’s important to note that the effectiveness of these treatments can vary based on the specific type and cause of hair loss, as well as individual factors. Here are the types of hair loss that can potentially be treated with PRP:

  1. Androgenetic Alopecia (Male and Female Pattern Baldness):
    • Androgenetic alopecia is the most common type of hair loss and is often hereditary. PRP scalp injections and microneedling with PRP can stimulate hair growth in individuals with androgenetic alopecia.
  2. Alopecia Areata:
    • Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition characterized by patchy hair loss. While PRP may not be a primary treatment for alopecia areata, it has been explored as an adjunctive therapy in some cases.
  3. Telogen Effluvium:
    • Telogen effluvium is a temporary form of hair loss triggered by various factors such as stress, hormonal changes, or medical conditions. PRP treatments may help accelerate hair regrowth in telogen effluvium cases.
  4. Traction Alopecia:
    • Traction alopecia is caused by physical stress on the hair follicles, often due to tight hairstyles or hair treatments. PRP can potentially stimulate hair growth in affected areas.
  5. Certain Types of Scarring Alopecia:
    • Scarring alopecia is characterized by permanent hair loss due to damage to the hair follicles. PRP treatments, including scalp injections and microneedling with PRP, may be used in combination with other therapies to improve hair growth in some cases.
  6. Postpartum Hair Loss:
    • Many women experience temporary hair loss, known as postpartum telogen effluvium, after giving birth. PRP treatments may help accelerate hair regrowth in these cases.
  7. Chemotherapy-Induced Hair Loss:
    • PRP treatments are not typically used as a primary treatment for chemotherapy-induced hair loss. However, some studies have explored its potential as an adjunctive therapy.

It’s important to note that while PRP treatments can benefit certain types of hair loss, they may not be effective for all individuals or all types of hair loss. Additionally, individual responses to PRP can vary, and multiple sessions may be needed for noticeable results.

Before undergoing any PRP treatment for hair loss, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified healthcare provider or dermatologist who can assess your specific condition and provide personalized recommendations based on your unique circumstances. They can also discuss potential risks, benefits, and expected outcomes.


How much is the cost of microneedling?

We offer very attractive pricing for microneedling treatments. It is a non-covered service. You can check pricing and book online at this page.

What other Medical Spa services do you provide?

You can look at our list of medical spa services, including Botox, dermal fillers, laser skin resurfacing, etc at this page.


Where can I book an appointment for this treatment?

You can visit the book online page to book the appointment online.


About Pleasanton

Nestled in the heart of the San Francisco Bay Area, Pleasanton, California, embodies a harmonious blend of small-town charm and urban sophistication. As a city in Alameda County, it offers a unique fusion of rich history, vibrant community life, and modern amenities. Pleasanton’s downtown area is a picturesque display of tree-lined streets, historic architecture, and a bustling commercial district, encapsulating the essence of a thriving American city center. Renowned for its exceptional quality of life, the city boasts top-rated schools, extensive parklands, and diverse cultural and recreational opportunities.

Strategically located, this city provides convenient access to major highways, connecting residents and visitors to the broader Bay Area and beyond. Its proximity to the Livermore Valley wine region adds a touch of rustic elegance to the city’s dynamic landscape, featuring renowned vineyards and picturesque vistas. The city’s history dates back to the mid-1800s, originating as a vital stagecoach stop between San Francisco and the gold fields of Northern California. Reflecting the serene nature of its surroundings, this city’s name was chosen by an early settler.

Downtown of this city is a testament to its commitment to preserving its heritage while embracing progress. This charming district showcases a unique blend of historic and contemporary architecture, housing various shops, restaurants, and cultural venues. The city’s highly regarded educational institutions make it an ideal community for families. Abundant green spaces and parks offer opportunities for outdoor recreation, while the low crime rate and strong civic engagement further enhance the quality of life.

In conclusion, Pleasanton, California, is a city that seamlessly balances its rich history with a vibrant present. Its downtown district, exceptional quality of life, strategic location, and strong sense of community make it a sought-after destination in the Bay Area. With a blend of small-town charm and urban convenience, Pleasanton offers a dynamic and welcoming environment for residents and visitors alike.