Kybella –  double chin reduction treatment

Kybella -  double chin reduction treatment
Kybella – Double chin removal treatment

This is one of the approved aesthetic treatments for removing a double chin. It eliminates fat and destroys the fat cells, resulting in the permanent removal of fat from the chin area. The Kybella (deoxycholic acid) injection helps improve moderate to severe convexity or fullness associated with submental fat in adults. However, it is not recommended to use this treatment for subcutaneous fat outside of the submental region as its safe and effective use has not been established.

How Kybella works?

Your doctor will assess your suitability for this treatment by examining the fat deposit under your chin. Kybella injections will be administered to your double chin area if deemed eligible. Upon injection, this treatment eliminates the fat cells in that area, preventing further fat storage. Once your desired aesthetic outcome is achieved, no additional treatment is necessary.


How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments is determined based on the amount of double chin fat and your body’s response to the initial Kybella treatment; hence the number might differ from patient to patient as it differs by the patient’s treatment goal. Each treatment is given at least 4-6 weeks apart, and no more than six treatment is recommended per clinical studies. More than 50% of patients received six treatments in the clinical studies.


What are the possible side effects of this treatment?

Some potential issues may occur at the injection site when receiving this treatment. These include bruising, hair loss, open sores, tissue cell death, difficulty swallowing, and nerve injury in the jaw that may cause temporary facial muscle weakness or an uneven smile. It’s important to note that some of these side effects can be serious. However, clinical research shows that difficulty swallowing typically resolves on its own within three days, and jaw nerve injury usually improves within 44 days.

Other common side effects of this treatment include swelling, bruising, discomfort, numbness, redness, and hard spots around the treated area. It’s worth noting that there may be additional side effects that aren’t listed here.


How much is Kybella for?

Kybella comes in vials, and you can find the cost of one injection vial by going to the “Book Online” link. Most of the patients will need two to four vials per treatment. The treatment cost also varies from patient to patient due to differences in double chin fat and the patient’s treatment goal.


What pre-conditions need the doctor’s advise for Kybella treatment?

This treatment is contraindicated in the presence of infection at the injection sites; otherwise, proceeding should be fine. If you have any questions, you should discuss this with the doctor before the treatment. The doctor will determine if you are a good candidate for Kybella before your first treatment.


How much is Kybella swelling day by day?

Most patients starting the treatment will need 4 to 6 ml of Kybella. This will mean that you might get between 20 to 30 injections of pricks in your double chin area. The injection is not painful as the doctor uses very thin needles, but you will see some swelling for the initial three days.

The swelling will be maximum on day 1 and will start reducing from day 2 onwards. The swelling will be visible for initial 2-3 days. Most patients will not have swelling and pain after one week of the treatment.

Can Kybella cause Marginal Mandibular nerve injury?

It was found that 4% of individuals involved in clinical trials reported experiencing a slight injury to their marginal mandibular nerve. This resulted in an uneven smile or weakness in their facial muscles. However, all cases were resolved naturally within 1-298 days, with a median of 44 days. It is crucial to note that Kybella injections should not be administered near or into the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve to prevent any potential injury.


What are the Kybella side effects?

During clinical trials, Dysphagia was experienced by 2% of individuals who also reported administration-site reactions such as pain, swelling, and induration of the submental area. However, all cases of dysphagia resolved independently, with a range of 1-81 days and a median of 3 days. Refraining from using Kybella in patients with dysphagia is advised since the treatment may worsen the condition.

It is important to note that during clinical trials, 72% of individuals who received this treatment experienced Hematoma or bruising at the injection site. Therefore, caution should be exercised when administering this treatment to patients with bleeding abnormalities or those currently undergoing antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy. It is possible that excessive bleeding or bruising may occur in the treatment area.

It is important to avoid injecting Kybella into or near certain delicate structures to prevent possible harm to the tissue. Specifically, injections should not be made within 1-1.5 cm of salivary glands, lymph nodes, or muscles. It is crucial to be careful and avoid accidentally injecting into an artery or vein, which could cause damage to blood vessels.

Please be aware that there have been cases of injection site alopecia, ulceration, and necrosis with this treatment. The onset and duration of these side effects may differ from person to person and could persist. It is recommended to avoid administering subsequent treatments until resolution. Too shallow injections into the dermis may cause skin ulceration and necrosis. Please do not administer this treatment into affected areas until complete resolution.

The pivotal clinical trials reported the following adverse reactions as the most common: swelling or edema at the injection site, bruising or hematoma, pain, numbness, redness or erythema, and hardening or induration. Please refer to the complete prescribing information or visit the specified webpage.


Why should I do Kybella in Pleasanton at your clinic?

Kybella is usually a safe treatment, and the doctor assesses the patient before doing the treatment, even after all precautions if you run into any issues like allergic reactions or skin issues. Dr. Garg does help treat the patient for anything related to the treatment. Again having a doctor doing the treatment and taking care of the patient post-treatment makes us stand out. We strive to provide the best customer experience to our patients.


Can you share Kybella before and after photos from your treatment?

Kybella before and after 1Kybella before and after 2


What other aesthetic treatment do you offer?

You can look at all our aesthetic treatments on this page.


How much does Kybella cost?

Most of the patients will need 3 to 4 vials of Kybella. You can get each vial cost by visiting the book online page.