chemical peel

We provide Chemical Peels – Jessners, TCA, and Glycolic acid peels in Pleasanton. These treatments are cosmetic procedures used to improve the appearance of the skin on the face, neck, or hands. During this treatment, a chemical solution is applied to the skin, which causes it to exfoliate and eventually peel off. The new skin that replaces it is usually smoother, less wrinkled, and may have less damage than the old skin.

There are several benefits of the peel over other treatments available in medical spas, including:

1. Exfoliation and Improved Skin Texture: These peels provide deep exfoliation, removing dead skin cells and promoting new cell growth. This results in improved skin texture and a more radiant complexion.

2. Reduction of Fine Lines and Wrinkles: These peels can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, especially under the eyes and around the mouth, by stimulating collagen production.

3. Acne and Acne Scarring Treatment: Certain types of peels can help manage acne by unclogging pores and reducing the appearance of acne scars.

4. Hyperpigmentation, Sun Damage, and Age Spots: These peels can reduce hyperpigmentation, sun damage, and age spots, leading to a more even skin tone.

5. Minimally Invasive: Compared to surgical procedures, these peels are minimally invasive. They can offer significant improvements without the need for cuts or incisions.

6. Customizable Treatments: These peels come in various strengths and types (light, medium, and deep peels), allowing for customization based on the individual’s skin type, concerns, and desired results.

7. Short Recovery Time: Light and medium peels typically have a short recovery time compared to more invasive procedures. People can often return to their normal activities immediately or within a few days.

8. Cost-Effective: These peels can be more cost-effective than other more invasive cosmetic procedures while still offering significant improvements in skin appearance.

However, it’s important to note that these peels might not be suitable for everyone, and the choice between a chemical peel and other treatments should be based on individual skin type, specific skin issues, and desired outcomes. Consulting with a dermatologist or a professional at a medical spa can help determine the most appropriate treatment plan.


What are the different peels that you provide?

We provide Jessners peel, TCA peel and Glycolic acid peels. The differences between Jessners peel, TCA (Trichloroacetic Acid) peel, and a peel that combines 50% Glycolic Acid with 12% Hydroquinone and 8% Kojic Acid primarily lie in their composition, depth of penetration, primary uses, and the specific skin concerns they address. Here’s a breakdown of each:

Jessners Peel

  • Composition: This peel is a combination peel that traditionally includes lactic acid, salicylic acid, and resorcinol in an ethanol solution. Each component targets different layers and aspects of the skin.
  • Depth of Penetration: This peel is considered a medium-depth peel, though its penetration can be adjusted based on the number of layers applied.
  • Primary Uses: It’s particularly effective for treating acne, oily skin, mild to moderate hyperpigmentation, and fine surface wrinkles. This peel helps to unclog pores, reduce oil production, and improve the overall texture and tone of the skin.

TCA Peel

  • Composition: This peel is made from Trichloroacetic Acid, a non-toxic chemical that causes the top layers of cells to dry up and peel off.
  • Depth of Penetration: This peel can range from medium to deep, depending on the concentration of TCA used. Lower concentrations are used for medium-depth peeling, while higher concentrations can achieve a deep peel.
  • Primary Uses: These peels are versatile and can be used to treat deeper wrinkles, more significant sun damage, moderate lines, and pigmentation issues. They promote collagen and elastin production for firmer, more youthful skin.


50% Glycolic Acid Peel with 12% Hydroquinone and 8% Kojic acid Peel

  • Composition: This peel combines Glycolic Acid, a type of AHA, with Hydroquinone and Kojic Acid, both of which are skin-lightening agents.
  • Depth of Penetration: These peels are generally considered to be superficial to medium depth, depending on the concentration. The 50% Glycolic Acid is on the higher end of the spectrum, making it a potent peel for skin renewal.
  • Primary Uses: This combination is specifically formulated to address pigmentation issues such as melasma, sun spots, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Hydroquinone and Kojic Acid are both effective in reducing melanin production, thereby lightening dark spots and evening out skin tone.

Key Differences between these peels

  • Depth and Intensity: Jessners and TCA peels can vary in depth, with TCA potentially offering deeper penetration. The Glycolic Acid peel, even at a high concentration, is generally less deep than a high-concentration TCA peel.
  • Specific Concerns Addressed: While Jessners peel is great for acne and mild pigmentation, TCA peels are more versatile, targeting deeper wrinkles and scars. The Glycolic Acid peel with Hydroquinone and Kojic Acid is specifically aimed at treating hyperpigmentation and achieving a more even skin tone.
  • Ingredients and Effects: The unique compositions of these peels make them suitable for different skin concerns. The addition of Hydroquinone and Kojic Acid to a Glycolic Acid peel specifically targets skin lightening, which is not a primary focus of Jessners or TCA peels.

When choosing between these peels, it’s essential to consider your specific skin concerns, desired outcomes, and any potential sensitivities or contraindications. A consultation with a doctor or skincare professional is recommended to determine the most suitable peel for your skin type and goals.


What are the common skin conditions treated using chemical peels?

Each type of chemical peel is formulated to address specific skin concerns. Here’s a list of common skin issues targeted by these peels:

Jessners Peel

  • Acne and Acne Scarring: The salicylic acid component is oil-soluble, helping to unclog pores and reduce the severity of acne. It also helps in minimizing the appearance of acne scars.
  • Oily Skin: This peel can help regulate oil production, leading to a decrease in the greasiness of the skin.
  • Mild to Moderate Hyperpigmentation: Including age spots, sun spots, and melasma, due to its ability to exfoliate and renew the skin surface.
  • Fine Lines and Surface Wrinkles: Through the removal of the outer layers of skin, promoting a smoother texture.
  • Dull Complexion: It helps in rejuvenating the skin, giving it a more radiant appearance.

TCA Peel

  • Moderate to Severe Hyperpigmentation: This peel can address more significant pigmentation issues than Jessners peel.
  • Deeper Wrinkles and Fine Lines: Higher concentrations of this peel can penetrate deeper into the skin, stimulating collagen production more effectively.
  • Sun Damage: Including actinic keratosis and other precancerous lesions, these peels can help by removing damaged outer layers of skin.
  • Scarring: Including acne scars and other types of facial scars, by promoting the regeneration of skin.
  • Stretch Marks: Though not a primary indication, these peels can improve the appearance of stretch marks to some degree.

50% Glycolic Acid Peel with 12% Hydroquinone and 8% Kojic acid peel

  • Melasma: This combination is particularly effective for treating melasma, a condition characterized by dark, discolored patches on the skin.
  • Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH): Often resulting from acne or other skin injuries, this peel can lighten these dark spots.
  • Sun Spots and Age Spots: The peel helps to fade these signs of sun damage, leading to a more even skin tone.
  • Freckles: Can lighten freckles caused by sun exposure or genetics.
  • Dull Skin and Uneven Skin Texture: Glycolic Acid exfoliates the skin surface, while Hydroquinone and Kojic Acid work to brighten the complexion.

Key Points to Consider

  • Jessners Peel is ideal for acne-prone and oily skin types, also addressing mild pigmentation and textural concerns.
  • TCA Peel offers a broader range of applications, from treating more profound wrinkles and scars to addressing significant sun damage and pigmentation issues. It’s suitable for those needing more intensive rejuvenation.
  • Glycolic Acid Peel with Hydroquinone and Kojic Acid is specifically formulated for skin lightening and treating hyperpigmentation, making it ideal for individuals with concerns like melasma, sun spots, and uneven skin tone.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of these peels can vary based on individual skin types and conditions. A professional consultation is recommended to determine the most suitable peel and to customize the treatment plan for optimal results.


How many sessions of chemical peel is needed for the common skin conditions?

The number of sessions needed to treat common conditions can vary based on several factors including the severity of the condition, the individual’s skin type, and their response to treatment. Here’s an overview of each peel type:

Jessners Peel

  • Typical Conditions Treated: Acne, mild to moderate hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and uneven skin texture.
  • Sessions Needed: Generally, 3 to 6 sessions are recommended for noticeable improvement, spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart. Maintenance treatments may be required every few months to sustain results.

TCA Peel

  • Typical Conditions Treated: Moderate wrinkles, acne scars, significant sun damage, and more pronounced hyperpigmentation.
  • Sessions Needed: Deep TCA peels are often a single treatment due to their intensity and the significant recovery time required. However, deep peels are less commonly performed due to the higher risk of side effects and longer downtime.

50% Glycolic Acid Peel with 12% Hydroquinone and 8% Kojic acid Peel

  • Typical Conditions Treated: Severe hyperpigmentation, melasma, and sunspots.
  • Sessions Needed: 4 to 6 sessions are typically recommended to achieve significant lightening of hyperpigmentation, spaced 4 weeks apart. The specific number can vary depending on the severity of the pigmentation and how the skin responds to the peel. Maintenance treatments may be necessary to maintain the lightening effect, especially if the underlying cause of the pigmentation (like sun exposure) is not mitigated.

Key Points

  • Individual Variation: The exact number of sessions can vary widely among individuals. Some may see satisfactory results after fewer sessions, while others might need additional treatments.
  • Professional Guidance: A skincare professional can provide a personalized treatment plan after assessing your skin type, condition, and goals. They can adjust the treatment plan based on how your skin responds to the initial sessions.
  • Maintenance Treatments: Regardless of the peel type, periodic maintenance treatments can help prolong the results and manage any new or recurring skin issues.

It’s crucial to follow a professional’s advice and adhere to post-peel care instructions to minimize risks and support the healing process. Proper skincare, including sun protection, is essential to maintain the results of any chemical peel treatment.


How to prepare for chemical peel treatment?

Pre-care instructions for a chemical peel are crucial for ensuring the best possible results and minimizing potential side effects. While specific recommendations may vary depending on the type of peel and individual skin characteristics, here are general guidelines that are typically advised:

  • Avoid Direct Sun Exposure: Protect your skin from sunburn and significant sun exposure for at least one week before your peel. Sun-damaged or tanned skin can increase the risk of uneven pigmentation and other complications.
  • Stop Using Certain Skincare Products: Discontinue the use of retinoids, exfoliating agents (like glycolic acid or salicylic acid), and any products containing benzoyl peroxide or sulfur for about a week before the peel. These products can increase skin sensitivity and potentially lead to excessive peeling or irritation when combined with a chemical peel.
  • Inform Your Practitioner About Your Skin History: Share any history of cold sores, facial warts, or recent cosmetic treatments with your skincare professional. This information can affect pre-care instructions and the choice of peeling agents.
  • Hydrate Your Skin: Keep your skin well-hydrated in the days leading up to your peel. Moisturized skin responds better to chemical peels and heals faster.
  • Avoid Hair Removal: Do not wax, depilate, or use hair removal creams on the treatment area for at least one week before your peel to avoid skin irritation.
  • Stop Smoking: Smoking can impair healing and should be avoided before and after your peel to optimize skin recovery and results.
  • Adjust Medications: Inform your practitioner about all medications you are taking, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements. Certain medications, like aspirin or ibuprofen, might need to be paused or adjusted, as they can increase the risk of bleeding.
  • Avoid Certain Treatments and Procedures: Cosmetic injections, laser treatments, and other skin procedures should be avoided for a period before your chemical peel, as advised by your skincare professional.
  • Prepare a Post-Peel Care Kit: Although this is more about post-care, having gentle, hydrating skincare products ready for use after your peel can be beneficial. This includes a gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and a broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher.
  • Consultation and Patch Test: If you’re undergoing a medium or deep peel, or if you have sensitive skin, your practitioner might recommend a consultation and a patch test to assess how your skin reacts to the peeling solution.

Following these pre-care instructions can help ensure that your skin is in the best possible condition for a chemical peel, leading to more effective results and a smoother recovery process. Always follow the specific guidelines provided by your skincare professional, as they may have additional or tailored advice based on the type of peel and your skin’s needs.


What can I expect post a chemical peel treatment?

Post-treatment expectations for a chemical peel vary depending on the depth of the peel (light, medium, or deep). However, there are common experiences and care requirements across all types. Here’s what you can generally expect after undergoing a chemical peel treatment:

Immediate Post-Peel Effects

  • Redness and Sensitivity: Your skin will likely appear red and feel sensitive, similar to a sunburn. This is normal and varies in intensity and duration depending on the depth of the peel.
  • Peeling and Flaking: Peeling usually starts within a few days after the treatment. Light peels might cause mild flaking, while medium and deep peels can result in more pronounced peeling that lasts longer, often several days to over a week.
  • Tightness and Itching: You may experience feelings of tightness and itching as the old skin begins to peel away. It’s important not to scratch or peel off the flaking skin manually to avoid scarring.

Care and Recovery

  • Moisturization: Keeping your skin hydrated is crucial. Use a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer to help soothe and hydrate the skin. Your skincare professional will recommend appropriate products.
  • Sun Protection: Your skin will be more susceptible to sun damage post-peel. Avoid direct sunlight as much as possible, and apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher every day, reapplying as necessary.
  • Avoid Certain Products and Activities: Stay away from exfoliating agents, retinoids, and other potentially irritating skin care products for a period as advised by your practitioner. Also, avoid strenuous exercise, saunas, and anything that might cause excessive sweating for the first few days to prevent irritation.
  • Gentle Skin Care Routine: Use a gentle cleanser and avoid scrubbing or using hot water on your face. Pat your skin dry gently without rubbing.
  • Follow-Up Care: Depending on the type of peel, follow-up visits may be necessary to monitor your healing process and apply post-peel treatments if needed.

Healing Time

  • Light Peels: Recovery typically takes about 4-7 days, with minimal downtime. You can usually continue with your daily activities.
  • Medium Peels: Expect a recovery period of about 7-14 days. You might prefer to stay indoors during the initial days when peeling is most intense.
  • Deep Peels: These require the most downtime, with a recovery period that can extend several weeks. The skin needs careful monitoring to manage healing and prevent complications.


Immediate vs. Long-Term Results: Some results, like brighter skin, may be noticeable immediately after the peeling process ends. However, the full benefits, especially from medium and deep peels, such as reduced wrinkles and scars, can take several months to fully manifest as the skin heals and collagen production is stimulated.

Side Effects and Risks

While chemical peels are generally safe, there’s a risk of side effects, particularly with deeper peels. These can include infection, scarring, changes in skin coloration, and allergic reactions. Following pre and post-care instructions carefully and choosing an experienced practitioner can help minimize these risks.

After a chemical peel, it’s crucial to follow your skincare professional’s specific instructions to ensure the best possible outcome and to support your skin’s healing process.


What all conditions needs additional consultation and precaution before going for chemical peel treatment?

Certain conditions can increase the risk of adverse reactions to chemical peels, making it crucial to discuss your medical history and current health status with your skincare professional before undergoing a chemical peel. Here are some conditions that may cause or contribute to adverse reactions:

  1. Active Skin Infections or Disorders: Conditions like active herpes simplex (cold sores), warts, open wounds, psoriasis, eczema, or dermatitis in the treatment area can increase the risk of complications.
  2. Accutane Use: Isotretinoin (Accutane) usage within the past six months to a year can significantly increase the risk of scarring and other adverse effects due to its impact on skin healing and regeneration.
  3. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: The hormonal changes during pregnancy and breastfeeding can affect skin sensitivity and healing. Additionally, the safety of certain chemicals used in peels has not been established for pregnant or nursing mothers.
  4. History of Keloids or Hypertrophic Scarring: Individuals with a tendency to form keloids or hypertrophic scars may experience abnormal scarring after a peel.
  5. Recent Cosmetic Procedures: Recent cosmetic treatments, such as laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, or fillers in the treatment area, may increase the risk of complications if the skin has not fully healed.
  6. Sunburn or Significant Sun Exposure: Recently sunburned skin or skin that has been significantly exposed to the sun prior to the peel can be more prone to adverse reactions, including uneven pigmentation.
  7. Certain Medications: Use of certain medications, including but not limited to, topical retinoids, antibiotics, or medications that increase photosensitivity, can affect the skin’s response to this treatment.
  8. Allergies: Allergic reactions to the chemical agents used in the peel itself or to pre/post-treatment products.
  9. Skin Type and Color: Individuals with darker skin types are at a higher risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) or hypopigmentation following this treatment.
  10. Autoimmune Diseases: Conditions such as lupus, scleroderma, or other autoimmune disorders can affect healing and increase the risk of complications.
  11. Recent Waxing or Depilatory Use: These can increase skin sensitivity and should be avoided in the treatment area for a specified period before and after the peel.

It’s important to provide your skin care professional with a comprehensive medical history and to follow all pre- and post-care instructions to minimize the risk of adverse reactions. A qualified professional can help determine whether this treatment is suitable for you, considering any potential risks based on your specific conditions or health status.


Why choose Onestop Aesthetic Travel and Wellness Center for your aesthetic procedure like Chemical Peel?

Most of the procedures at Onestop Aesthetic Travel and Wellness Center are either performed by doctor herself or under close supervision of the Dr Anuja Garg. The doctor at our clinic is trained in Aesthetic Medicine by American Board of Aesthetic Medicine and Board certified in Internal medicine and Obesity Medicine. Overall, she has over 15+ years of experience in treating patients. She can take care of any complications that might arise.  Hence you can be confident that you are in safe hands when getting a treatment at Onestop Aesthetic Travel and Wellness Center.


How much does it cost to get one session of the chemical peel?

You can check our prices on this page.


What other treatments do you provide at your clinic?

We provide a plethora of aesthetic treatments including Botox, Dermal Fillers, Laser skin resurfacing. You can check the complete list on this page.


About Pleasanton

Pleasanton, is a city that epitomizes the blend of old-world charm and modern luxury, nestled in the heart of the San Francisco Bay Area’s Tri-Valley region. With its roots deeply embedded in California’s history, Pleasanton offers a unique glimpse into the past with its well-preserved downtown area, where Victorian buildings house a variety of boutique shops, gourmet restaurants, and cozy cafes, inviting visitors and locals alike to explore its quaint streets.

This city is not just about picturesque views and historic sites; it’s a community where the quality of life is prioritized, evident in its top-rated public schools, well-maintained parks, and a wide array of community services and programs designed to engage residents of all ages. Pleasanton is home to more than 1,200 acres of parks and open spaces, including the Augustin Bernal Park and Shadow Cliffs Regional Recreation Area, offering endless outdoor activities from hiking and biking to fishing and picnicking.

Economically, Pleasanton is a powerhouse, strategically positioned in the Silicon Valley periphery, making it a fertile ground for high-tech, finance, and healthcare industries. The Hacienda Business Park, one of Northern California’s largest mixed-use developments, is a testament to the city’s economic vitality, hosting over 600 companies and providing a diverse range of job opportunities to the local workforce.

Culturally, the city is vibrant, hosting numerous festivals and events throughout the year that celebrate its rich history and diverse community. The Alameda County Fair, one of the largest in Northern California, draws visitors from across the state with its exciting rides, live concerts, and agricultural displays. Meanwhile, the Pleasanton Farmers’ Market offers a taste of local produce and artisan goods, promoting a healthy lifestyle and community spirit.

Pleasanton also values its arts and culture, supported by the Firehouse Arts Center, which provides a venue for live theater, concerts, and art exhibitions, enriching the city’s cultural landscape. Moreover, the city’s commitment to sustainability and green living initiatives has been recognized nationally, with numerous programs aimed at conserving water, reducing waste, and promoting clean energy.

Despite its growth and development, Pleasanton has managed to maintain a small-town feel, where community events like the Friday Concerts in the Park and the holiday parade foster a sense of belonging and togetherness. It’s a city where the past and present merge seamlessly, offering a high quality of life, economic prosperity, and a strong sense of community, making it one of the most desirable places to live in the Bay Area.
